Friday, July 4, 2008

Mistretta Facts

The original name of Mistretta during the Midieval period was Amestratus. During Midieval times, the town was conquered by the Romans and later ruled by the Normans until 1637. The population of Mistretta is currently 5,939 inhabitants and the town resides on a mountain top, about 931 meters above sea level.
The main economic activities are agriculture, cattle, sheep and horse breeding and handiworks. The most cultivated products are olives, grains, citrus fruits, and grapes. Typical handiworks are made from wrought iron and ebony.
The most important monuments are: the Cathedral church whose ancient origin was restored in 1630, the remains of the Midieval Castle, and the Church of St. Caterina of Rinascimento. Among the most important persons from Mistretta include: Antonio Pagliaro, the President of the Upper Council of Public Education and the editor of the Italian Encyclopedia, and the folklorist Giuseppe Cocchiara, professor of Literature of Popular Traditions at the University of Palermo.

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